How To Teach Children Sight Words

A child sees the word on the flashcard and says the word, The child says the word and spells out the letters, then reads the word again. The child says the word and then spells out the letters while tapping them on his or her arm. The child says the word, then writes the letters in the air in front of the flashcard. The child writes the letters on a table, first looking at and then not looking at the flashcard. Correct the child’s mistakes by clearly stating and reinforcing the right word several times.

Sight words instruction is an excellent supplement to phonics instructions. Phonics is a method for learning to read in general, while sight words instruction increases a child’s familiarity with the high-frequency words that he or she may encounter most often.

When first beginning sight words, work on no more than three unfamiliar words at a time to make it manageable for your child. Introduce one word at a time, using the six teaching techniques above. Hold up the flashcard for the first word, and go through all five techniques in order. Then introduce the second word, and go through all six teaching techniques and so on. This should establish basic familiarity with the new words. This part of a sight words session should be brisk and last no more than ten minutes.

As your child gets more and more advanced, you might increase the number of words you work on in each lesson.

Written by: Dr. Moneshia Dashiell

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